Privacy Policy for Drink Tonight Records

At Drink Tonight Records, accessible from, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by Drink Tonight Records and how we use it.

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.

This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in Drink Tonight Records. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website. Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Free Privacy Policy Generator.


By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

Information we collect

The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

If you contact us directly, we may receive additional information about you such as your name, email address, phone number, the contents of the message and/or attachments you may send us, and any other information you may choose to provide.

When you register for an Account, we may ask for your contact information, including items such as name, company name, address, email address, and telephone number.

How we use your information

We use the information we collect in various ways, including to:

  • Provide, operate, and maintain our webste
  • Improve, personalize, and expand our webste
  • Understand and analyze how you use our webste
  • Develop new products, services, features, and functionality
  • Communicate with you, either directly or through one of our partners, including for customer service, to provide you with updates and other information relating to the webste, and for marketing and promotional purposes
  • Send you emails
  • Find and prevent fraud

Log Files

Drink Tonight Records follows a standard procedure of using log files. These files log visitors when they visit websites. All hosting companies do this and a part of hosting services’ analytics. The information collected by log files include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks. These are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable. The purpose of the information is for analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking users’ movement on the website, and gathering demographic information.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Like any other website, Drink Tonight Records uses ‘cookies’. These cookies are used to store information including visitors’ preferences, and the pages on the website that the visitor accessed or visited. The information is used to optimize the users’ experience by customizing our web page content based on visitors’ browser type and/or other information.

For more general information on cookies, please read “What Are Cookies” from Cookie Consent.

Advertising Partners Privacy Policies

You may consult this list to find the Privacy Policy for each of the advertising partners of Drink Tonight Records.

Third-party ad servers or ad networks uses technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons that are used in their respective advertisements and links that appear on Drink Tonight Records, which are sent directly to users’ browser. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. These technologies are used to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and/or to personalize the advertising content that you see on websites that you visit.

Note that Drink Tonight Records has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

Third Party Privacy Policies

Drink Tonight Records’s Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options.

You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers’ respective websites.

CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)

Under the CCPA, among other rights, California consumers have the right to:

Request that a business that collects a consumer’s personal data disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal data that a business has collected about consumers.

Request that a business delete any personal data about the consumer that a business has collected.

Request that a business that sells a consumer’s personal data, not sell the consumer’s personal data.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

Children’s Information

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

Drink Tonight Records does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

Rekisteri- ja tietosuojaseloste

Drink Tonight Records (Yhtiö) asiakas- ja markkinointirekisterin tietosuojaseloste.

Tämä on Yrityksen henkilötietolain (10 ja 24 §) ja EU:n yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen (GDPR) mukainen rekisteri- ja tietosuojaseloste. Laadittu 15.3.2021.

1. Rekisterinpitäjä

Drink Tonight Records (Y-tunnus 1459823-4 )

Tietosuojasta ja henkilötietojen käsittelystä voit kysyä lisää sähköpostilla:

2. Rekisteristä vastaava yhteyshenkilö

Ilmari Aitoaho,

3. Rekisterin nimi

Asiakas- ja markkinointirekisteri.

4. Oikeusperuste ja henkilötietojen käsittelyn tarkoitus

Henkilötietojen käsittelyn käyttötarkoituksena on olemassa olevien asiakkaiden osalta asiakassuhteiden ylläpito. Henkilö- ja ostotietoja käsitellään lisäksi Yhtiön tuotteiden ja palveluiden myyntiä ja markkinointia varten. Yhtiö voi toteuttaa henkilötietojen profilointia markkinoinnin kohdentamiseksi.

Henkilötietojen käsittelyn perusteena on asiakkaan antama suostumus.

5. Rekisterin tietosisältö

Rekisteri pitää sisällään Yhtiön asiakkaiden henkilötietoja, joita ovat etunimi, sukunimi, osoite, sähköpostiosoite, puhelinnumero, profilointiin ja tuotteiden ostamiseen liittyviä tietoja sekä asiakkaiden itse Yhtiölle tiedoksi antamaa tietoa.

6. Säännönmukaiset tietolähteet

Henkilötietoja kerätään rekisteröidyiltä itseltään ja asiakassuhteen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa.

7. Tietojen säännönmukaiset luovutukset ja tietojen siirto EU:n tai ETA:n ulkopuolelle

Henkilötietoja voidaan siirtää Yhtiön myynti- ja markkinointiyhteistyökumppaneille Yhtiön lukuun suoritettavia markkinointitoimenpiteitä varten.

Yhtiömme käyttää ohjelmia, kuten Google Analyticsia. Käytön tavoitteena on parantaa verkkosivujemme käyttökokemusta. Lisätietoja siitä, kuinka Google Analytics käsittelee henkilötietojasi, on täällä.

Tietoja voidaan siirtää rekisterinpitäjän toimesta myös EU:n tai ETA:n ulkopuolelle.

8. Rekisterin suojauksen periaatteet

Rekisterin käsittelyssä noudatetaan huolellisuutta ja tietojärjestelmien avulla käsiteltävät tiedot suojataan asianmukaisesti. Kun rekisteritietoja säilytetään Internet-palvelimilla, niiden laitteiston fyysisestä ja digitaalisesta tietoturvasta huolehditaan asiaankuuluvasti. Rekisterinpitäjä huolehtii siitä, että tallennettuja tietoja sekä palvelimien käyttöoikeuksia ja muita henkilötietojen turvallisuuden kannalta kriittisiä tietoja käsitellään luottamuksellisesti ja vain niiden työntekijöiden toimesta, joiden työnkuvaan se kuuluu.

9. Tarkastusoikeus ja oikeus vaatia tiedon korjaamista

Jokaisella rekisterissä olevalla henkilöllä on oikeus tarkistaa rekisteriin tallennetut tietonsa ja vaatia mahdollisen virheellisen tiedon korjaamista tai puutteellisen tiedon täydentämistä. Mikäli henkilö haluaa tarkistaa hänestä tallennetut tiedot tai vaatia niihin oikaisua, pyyntö tulee lähettää kirjallisesti rekisterinpitäjälle. Rekisterinpitäjä voi pyytää tarvittaessa pyynnön esittäjää todistamaan henkilöllisyytensä. Rekisterinpitäjä vastaa asiakkaalle EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksessa säädetyssä ajassa (pääsääntöisesti kuukauden kuluessa).

10. Muut henkilötietojen käsittelyyn liittyvät oikeudet

Rekisterissä olevalla henkilöllä on oikeus pyytää häntä koskevien henkilötietojen poistamiseen rekisteristä (“oikeus tulla unohdetuksi”). Niin ikään rekisteröidyillä on muut EU:n yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen mukaiset oikeudet kuten henkilötietojen käsittelyn rajoittaminen tietyissä tilanteissa. Pyynnöt tulee lähettää kirjallisesti rekisterinpitäjälle. Rekisterinpitäjä voi pyytää tarvittaessa pyynnön esittäjää todistamaan henkilöllisyytensä. Rekisterinpitäjä vastaa asiakkaalle EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksessa säädetyssä ajassa (pääsääntöisesti kuukauden kuluessa).

11. Henkilötietojen säilytysaika 

Asiakkaan henkilökohtaisia tietoja säilytetään tarvittavan ajan, jotta voidaan täyttää tässä selosteessa kuvatut käyttötarkoitukset liikesuhteeseen perustuen. Henkilötiedot voidaan säilyttää tätä kauemmin, jos sovellettava lainsäädäntö tai Yhtiön sopimusvelvoitteet kolmansia kohtaan edellyttävät pidempää säilytysaikaa. Asiakkaiden henkilötiedot säilytetään suoramarkkinointirekisterissä niin kauan kuin asiakkuus jatkuu ja rekisteröity ei ole kieltänyt suoramarkkinointia. Tällöin suoramarkkinointirekisterissä voidaan kuitenkin säilyttää tieto suoramarkkinoinnin kieltämisestä.

12. Evästeet

Eväste on pieni tekstitiedosto, jonka verkkosivustomme tallentaa selaimeesi, kun vierailet verkkosivuillamme. Kun palaat sivustolle seuraavan kerran, evästeeseen tallennetut tiedot ilmoittavat sivustolle aiemmin tekemistäsi toimista. 

Käytämme evästeitä apuna verkkosivujemme liikenteen analysoinnissa ja käyttäjäkokemuksen parantamisessa. Saatamme muun muassa tallentaa tietoja aiemmista vierailuistasi sivustollamme sekä tietoa sivuista, joita olet avannut.

Hyväksymällä evästeiden käytön sivustollamme hyväksyt myös sen, että keräämme tietoja vierailustasi. Jos et hyväksy evästeiden käyttöä tässä tarkoituksessa, estä niiden käyttö selaimen asetuksissa. Voit myös poistaa tietokoneeseesi tallennetut evästeet milloin tahansa.


Release 7/6/2024 (Digital)

1. Tequila Sunrise (3:45)

Written & Produced by Oskr & Tsaar
Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Mark Maitland
Cover design by Nightradio

Klasu – Eksyn vuoksesi/ Luulin et kuulit

Released 28/10/2016 (Digital)

1. Eksyn vuoksesi
2. Luulin et kuulit

Written by Lasse Toimi
Arranged by Lasse Toimi and Sampo Haapaniemi
Mixed by Sampo Haapaniemi
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering

Lasse Toimi – vocals, guitar and keys
Sampo Haapaniemi – drums, guitar and keys

Yournalist – Doggie Bag

Released 12/2/2014 (Digital)

1. Doggie Bag (4:02)

Written, produced and mixed by Yournalist at MTR-studio, Turku, Finland
Recorded by Juuso Nordlund at JJ-Studio, Tampere, Finland
Additional recording by Yournalist at various locations
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland
Design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Oskari Ruohonen – Vocals/Guitars/Keyboards
Santeri Ruohonen – Bass/Vocals
Mikko M. Koskinen – Drums/Percussion
Mitja Kiviluoma – Guitar solo

Klasu – Hei onneton

Released 27/1/2015 (Digital)

1. Hei onneton (3:38)

Written and produced by Lasse Toimi

Produced by Klasu
Recorded and mixed by Matti Vasanen
Mastered by Ludvig Nylund
Cover design: Maija Savolainen

Klasu – vocals, bass, keyboards and percussion
Miia Koski – backing vocals
Antti Reikko – guitars
Mikko Siusluoto – drums

Klasu – Vilkutan maapallon läpi

Released 10/3/2015 (Digital)

1. Vilkutan maapallon läpi (3:32)

Written and produced by Lasse Toimi
Recorded and mixed by Matti Vasanen
Mastered by Ludvig Nylund
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Klasu – vocals, bass, keyboards and guitar
Olli Rahkonen – guitar
Mikko Siusluoto – drums

Klasu – Heinäkuu

Released 8/7/2015 (Digital)

1. Heinäkuu (3:35)

Written by Klasu
Mixed by Matti Vasanen
Mastered by Ludvig Nylund / Backstreet Mastering

Klasu – vocals, guitars, keys
Topi Karvonen – double bass
Olli Rahkonen – Dobro

The Friend – Defender

Released 15/1/2015 (Digital)

1. Defender (3:39)

Written by Anders Vuorimaa & Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced, recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Nest
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering.
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

The Friend – Chic

Released 20/05/2015 (Digital)

1. Chic (3:34)

Written by Anders Vuorimaa & Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced, recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Nest
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Aamuyön Sirkus – Nuorena hautaan

Released 19/1/2016 ( Digital)

1. Nuorena hautaan (Radio edit) (4:18)

Written by Eeli Hallikainen
Arrangements by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Nest
Mastered by Jouni Lehtonen
Band photo by Joonas Tsokkinen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Aamuyön Sirkus – Tyhjä kuori

Released 11/3/2016 (Digital)

1. Tyhjä Kuori (Radio edit) (3:16) 

Written by Eeli Hallikainen
Arrangements by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Nest
Mastered by Jouni Lehtonen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

The Friend – Goodbye Heaven

Released 9/8/2019 (Digital)

1. Goodbye Heaven (3:32)

Music by Mikko Koskinen & Anders Vuorimaa
Lyrics by Anders Vuorimaa

Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Jarno Alho at Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Yournalist – Colosseum EP

Released 14/2/2013

  1. Colosseum (3:53)
  2. Colosseum (Dino Mansik Remix) (4:25)
  3. Nigerian Girl (Screwdriver’s Party Girl Remix) (5:20)
  4. Fast Lane (Keep Fishin’ DJs Remix) (4:50)
  5. Busy Switch (Jack the Hustler Remix) (5:41)
  6. Fast Lane (Live at Klubi) (3:32)
  7.  Colosseum (Live at Klubi) (3:57)


Track 1 taken from the album Horror and Terror.
Written, performed, recorded and produced by Yournalist at Hunting Cabin, Taivassalo, Finland
Mixed by Sylvia Massy at Radiostar Studios, Weed, California, USA
Assisted by Rich Veltrop
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland
Track 2-7 mastered by Teemu Kinnunen at Mojolab, Virrat, Finland
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

The Friend – Wednesday

Released 4/8/2020 (Digital)

1. Wednesday (3:29)

Music by Mikko Koskinen & Anders Vuorimaa
Lyrics by Anders Vuorimaa

Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Jarno Alho at Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Dino Mansik – Toivon ettet sä koskaan kuole

Released 11/12/2020 (Digital)

1. Toivon ettet sä koskaan kuole (2:11)

Written by Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Jarno Alho at Alho Audio Mastering

Mikko M. Koskinen – vocals, piano, bass, guitar and synths
Johanna Koskimo – vocals

Dino Mansik – Meidän huulet sopii yhteen

Released 26/2/2021 (Digital)

1. Meidän huulet sopii yhteen (4:32)

Written by Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Jarno Alho at Alho Audio Mastering

Mikko M. Koskinen – vocals, synths, bass, guitar and programming
Johanna Koskimo – Vocals
Jonni Kilpiä – drums

The Streams – Hopeless Play

Released 5/10/2012 (CD & Digital)

1. Sexy Lady
2. My Heart Still Wants You Home
3. Out of Reach
4. Miracle
5. Another Lonely Day
6. The World is on Fire
7. Love (Just a Feeling)
8. Bullets
9. Straight Shot
10. Color Of My Heart
11. Hopeless Play

Music by Mitja Kiviluoma (except tracks 1 and 9 by Mitja Kiviluoma and Timo Saari)
Words by Mitja Kiviluoma
Arranged by The Streams and Oskari Ruohonen
Produced by Oskari Ruohonen and The Streams Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Hunting Cabin
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design & band photo by Mikko M. Koskinen 

The Friend – Athletic Girls

Released 2/2/2011 (CD & Digital)

  1. Yo-yo innuendo (3:15)
  2. Streets call (4:07)
  3. New Berlin Wall (3:41)
  4. Back to Quitting (3:25)
  5. This Hour (3:33)
  6. Kayak (5:13)
  7. Even on saturday (2:59)
  8. Over the top (3:26)
  9. Rub it in/out (5:20)
  10. Loving reactor on the moon (5:10)
  11. Scent of Shanghai (digital bonus track) (2:01)
  12. Like a Jaguar (digital bonus track) (3:32)


Music Mikko M. Koskinen & Anders Vuorimaa
Lyrics Anders Vuorimaa
Tracks 1 and 5 produced, recorded and mixed by Julius Mauranen at Studio Kekkonen
Tracks 2, 4, 6-10 produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Birdiemama’s nest
Drums on tracks 2-4, 6-10 recorded by Oskari Ruohonen at Noisecamp
Other instruments recorded by The Friend
Track 3 produced by Mikko M. Koskinen and mixed by Julius Mauranen
Mastered by Teemu Kinnunen at Mojolab

Laughing and yelling in Rub it in/out by Antti Aarnio
Female backing vocals in Loving Reactor on the Moon by Johanna Kristiina Koskimo

Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen
Band photo by Ville Salminen

Aamuyön Sirkus – Huominen

Released 24/3/2016 (CD & Digital)

  1. Nuorena hautaan (4:24)
  2. Kylmää (4:17)
  3. Hän ja minä (5:17)
  4. Tyhjä kuori (4:32)
  5. Tuli sammuttua (3:28)
  6. Tie (3:48)
  7. Huominen (3:41)
  8. Disko (2:51)
  9. Mutka (4:00)
  10. Lyijy (5:16)


Songs written by Eeli Hallikainen & Oona Hallikainen
Arrangements by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Produced by Aamuyön Sirkus & Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen at Nest
Mastered by Jouni Lehtonen
Band photo by Joonas Tsokkinen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Klasu – Klasu

Released 23/03/2015 (CD & Digital)

  1. Hei onneton (3:38)
  2. Katos vain (3:30)
  3. Herttaisin (2:50)
  4. Sinä talvena (4:04)
  5. Hetket yön (3:37)
  6. Vilkutan maapallon läpi (3:32)
  7. Traktorin kyytiin on päästävä (3:50)
  8. Poika ja Lintu (4:27)
  9. Selkeesti sekava pää (3:30)
  10. Toiset tanssii (3:28)
  11. Paikoillaan (4:16)


All songs written by Lasse Toimi
Recorded between April 2013 and January 2015 at the Noisecamp-, Red House- and Rodhouse- studios at Turku, Larmio’s cottage at Klaukkala and at Lasse’s home in Helsinki
Recorded by Lasse Toimi, Antti Reikko, Matti Vasanen, Oskari Ruohonen and Teemu Vänskä
Mixed by Matti Vasanen
Mastered by Ludvig Nylund at Backstreets Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Yournalist – Horror & Terror

Released 18/4/2012 (CD, Vinyl & Digital)

  1. Horror and Terror (3:47)
  2. New Year 2021 (4:33)
  3. C’mon People (3:53)
  4. Nigerian Girl (4:02)
  5. Slippery and Infected (4:04)
  6. Smear (3:16)
  7. Colosseum (3:54)
  8. Concentration Camp Comedy (3:17)
  9. Fast Lane (3:29)
  10. Brazilian Boy (3:16)
  11. Zombie movie Soundtrack (3:13)
  12. Busy Switch (5:27)
  13. Planet Horror Terror (1:28)


Written, performed, recorded and produced by Yournalist at Hunting Cabin, Taivassalo, Finland
Mixed by Sylvia Massy at Radiostar Studios, Weed, California, USA
Assisted by Rich Veltrop
Except tracks 2, 10 and 13 mixed by Yournalist
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland

Mattias Mattila – Violin (3, 8-10, 12)
Antti Kolehmainen – Cello (3, 8-10, 12)
Annukka Heikkilä – Additional Vocals (9)
Cover photo by Seppo Koskinen
Hunting cabin photo by Petri Huhtinen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Kiveskives – J.S. Bach in his favourite disco

Released 4/4/2014

  1. Reincarnation (2:09)
  2. J.S. Bach In His Favourite Disco (3:30)
  3. Rosberg (3:10)
  4. Breaking New Orleans (3:17)
  5. Beverly Place (2:20)
  6. XL (4:37)
  7. Speed Ticket (2:51)
  8. Bittihiisi (2:46)
  9. Sidney (2:39)
  10. Bar Wars (5:35)
  11. Marshmallow March (3:23)

All songs written by Kiveskives
Produced by Kiveskives
Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen
Recorded between 12/2013 – 1/2014 in Turku, Finland at Valtone Studio, MTR-Studio and various inspiring locations nearby Aura River.
Horns recorded in Pohjola with Kaj Mäki-Ullakko.
Mastered by Virtalähde / Jaakko Viitalähde
Illustration by Olli Kiviluoto

Markus Kettinen – Keyboards, bass, voice
Antti Luoma – Drums, voice
Pietu Sepponen – Guitars, voice
Mikko Hellström – Contrabass, bass guitar (10)
Antti Hermaja – Trombone
Kaj Mäki-Ullakko – Trumpet
Lauri Ojala – Violin
Sini Palokangas – Saxophone
Oskari Ruohonen – Backing voice

Yournalist – Prepaid

Released 13/11/2013 (Digital)

1. Prepaid (2:41)

Written, produced and mixed by Yournalist at MTR-studio, Turku, Finland

Recorded by Juuso Nordlund at JJ-Studio, Tampere, Finland
Additional recording by Yournalist at various locations
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland

Oskari Ruohonen – Vocals/Guitars/Keyboards
Santeri Ruohonen – Bass/Vocals
Mikko M. Koskinen – Drums/Percussion

Cover photo by Niko Heino
Photos by Mikko M. Koskinen, Ville Saarikkomäki, Miina Ruokonen and Teemu Åkerlund Band photo by Ville Salminen
Design by Mikko M. Koskinen

The Streams – Sexy Lady

Released 7/11/2012 (Digital)

1. Sexy Lady (4:14)

Music by Mitja Kiviluoma and Timo Saari
Words by Mitja Kiviluoma
Arranged by The Streams and Oskari Ruohonen
Produced by Oskari Ruohonen and The Streams

Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Hunting Cabin
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen



Release 31/5/2024 (Digital)

1. Super Macarena (3:28)

Music: Muscular
Lyrics: Muscular

Recorded at Rødhouse Studio

Mixed & Mastered by Matias Kiiveri / Hollywood House Studios
Cover design by Muscular



Release 12/07/2023 (Digital)

1. SAARISTOON (02:55)

Written & Produced by Isbjörn I & Isbjörn II
Recorded and mixed by Isbjörn II at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Isbjörn II
Cover design by Isbjörn II
Cover photo by Isbjörn II


Release 24/5/2024 (Digital)

1. En koskaan kasva aikuiseks (3:13)

Music and lyrics by Mikko M. Koskinen

Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded at NEST
Mastered by Jarno Alho at Alho Audio Mastering 
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen



Release 19/4/2024 (Digital)

1. Stand Still (04:47)

2. Hallstar (Remix) (05:09)

3. Canvas (04:59)

Music: Muscular
Lyrics: Muscular

Recorded and mixed by Muscular & Josu Mämmi
Recorded at Villa Vikan & Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Josu Mämmi at Rødhouse Studio 
Cover design by Muscular


Release  5/04/2024 (Digital)

1. Tuot rauhan minuun (3:06)

Music and lyrics by Mikko M. Koskinen

Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded at NEST

Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen


Release  23/02/2024 (Digital)

1. Olisinpa mjava (4:17)

Music and lyrics by Mikko M. Koskinen

Produced and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded at NEST

Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen








Release  06/03/2020 (Digital)

1. First Steps (2:47)

Composed by Mikko M. Koskinen

Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded at NEST
Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen


Release 19/01/2024 (Digital)

1. S4D3 (6:18)

Composed by Mikko M. Koskinen

Recorded and mixed by Mikko M. Koskinen
Recorded at NEST
Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen



Release 24/11/2023 (Digital)

1. Cocky Cock (3:20)

Music: Yournalist
Lyrics: Yournalist

Recorded and mixed by Yournalist
Recorded at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen


Release 17/11/2023 (Digital)

1. Mega W
2. Covered In Foil
3. Wildflowers
4. Elevation

Written & Produced by Oskari Ruohonen & Timo Saari

Recorded and mixed by Nightradio at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Nightradio
Cover design by Toni Sallinen


Release 26/05/2023 (Digital)

1. Glow
2. Crisis
3. Umbrellas
4. Disorder

Written & Produced by Oskari Ruohonen & Timo Saari

Recorded and mixed by Nightradio at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Klas Lindblad (1, 3, 4) Tuomas Salmela (2)
Cover design by Toni Sallinen

The Streams – Out of Reach

Released 24/8/2012 (Digital)

1. Out of Reach (2:55)

Music and words by Mitja Kiviluoma
Arranged by The Streams and Oskari Ruohonen
Produced by Oskari Ruohonen and The Streams

Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Hunting Cabin
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

OSKR – Quattro Stagioni or: How I Learned to Stop Loving and Fear the Bomb

Release 31/3/2023 (Digital)

1. Deer Hunting Season (03:22)
2. Dark Days (03:49)
3. Spring One (04:14)
4. Summer Hits (03:51)

Written & Produced by Oskr
Lyrics by Santeri Ruohonen

Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design by Oskari Ruohonen
Cover photo by Mikko M. Koskinen



Release 23/09/2022 (Digital)
Vinyl 13/01/2022 

1. Auraraver (6:51)
2. Word On The Wire (5:51)
3. Demons (3:47)
4. Stellar Studies (4:08)
5. Don’t Breathe On Me (3:34)
6. Losing = Winning (2:37)
7. Afro Blue (5:12)
8. Keep The Lights On (3:37)
9. Sunburn (4:13)


VOCALS: Oskari Ruohonen (2, 6, 8, 9)
Linda Ilves (3, 5, 9) | SAMUEL VEKEMAN (1, 9) | SAM HUBER (8)
GUITAR: Lauri Laine (1, 4, 6, 7, 8)
BASS: Tatu Santaniemi (8)
SAX: Ukko Heinonen (5, 7, 8)
HORNS: Vallgård Horns (5)
CO-PRODUCER: Josu Mämmi (1, 4, 6, 7, 9) | Sami Tammela (B1)


LYRICS: Samuel Vekeman (1, 9) | Oskari Ruohonen (2, 6, 8, 9) Linda Ilves (3, 5) | Santeri Ruohonen (6, 9) | Sam Huber (8)



Yournalist – Vintage Mama

Release 15/4/2022 (Digital)

1. Vintage Mama (2:57)

Music: Yournalist
Lyrics: Yournalist

Recorded and mixed by Yournalist
Recorded at Rødhouse Studio
Mastered by Jarno Alho/Alho Audio Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Dino Mansik – Ihmeellinen timantti

Released 01/12/2017 (Digital)

1. Ihmeellinen timantti (4:44)

Written and Produced by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mixed and Mastered by Julius Mauranen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Mikko M. Koskinen – vocals, synths, guitars, drums & programming
Johanna Koskimo – vocals

Originally released by M.dulor.

The Friend –

New Berlin Wall

Released 30/10/2010 (Digital)

1. New Berlin Wall (3:41)

Music by Mikko M. Koskinen & Anders Vuorimaa
Lyrics by Anders Vuorimaa
Produced by Mikko M. Koskinen and Julius Mauranen
Mixed by Julius Mauranen at Studio Kekkonen
Drums recorded by Oskari Ruohonen at Noisecamp
Other instruments recorded by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Teemu Kinnunen at Mojolab
Band photo by Ville Salminen

The Friend – This Hour

Released 2011 (Digital)

1. This Hour (3:33)

Music by Mikko M. Koskinen & Anders Vuorimaa
Lyrics by Anders Vuorimaa
Produced, recorded and mixed by Julius Mauranen at Studio Kekkonen
Additional recording by Mikko M. Koskinen
Mastered by Teemu Kinnunen at Mojolab

Yournalist – C’mon People

Released 12/2/2012 (Digital)

1. C’mon People (3:53)

Written, performed, recorded and produced by Yournalist at Hunting Cabin, Taivassalo, Finland
Mixed by Sylvia Massy at Radiostar Studios, Weed, California, USA
Assisted by Rich Veltrop
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland

Mattias Mattila – Violin
Antti Kolehmainen – Cello
Cover photo by Seppo Koskinen
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Yournalist – Fast Lane

Released 9/5/2012 (Digital)

1. Fast Lane (3:29)

Written, performed, recorded and produced by Yournalist at Hunting Cabin, Taivassalo, Finland

Mixed by Sylvia Massy at Radiostar Studios, Weed, California, USA
Assisted by Rich Veltrop
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland

Mattias Mattila – Violin
Antti Kolehmainen – Cello
Annukka Heikkilä – Additional Vocals
Cover photo by Petri Huhtinen

The Streams – My Heart Still Wants You Home

Released 20/6/2012 (Digital)

1. My Heart Still Wants You Home (3:53)

Music and words by Mitja Kiviluoma
Arranged by The Streams and Oskari Ruohonen
Produced by Oskari Ruohonen and The Streams

Recorded and mixed by Oskari Ruohonen at Hunting Cabin
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering
Cover design by Mikko M. Koskinen

Yournalist – Plays Jazz

Released 7/2/2014 (CD, Cassette & Digital)

  1. Italian Luigi (0:56)
  2. Prepaid (2:41)
  3. Doggie Bag (4:02)
  4. Fucking Yournalist (I’m on a hot road) (3:00)
  5. Gnome (2:49)
  6. MILF (2:36)
  7. Big Meal (2:30)
  8. Last Happy Meal (2:29)
  9. Rodhouse Blues (2:34)
  10. Take me to your dealer (2:33)
  11. Pigs (3:44)
  12. Keep Playing Dead (2:35)
  13. Partynator Inc. (3:19)
  14. Pill (2:38)
  15. Coffee Shop (I’m Lovin’ it) (3:30)
  16. Reprise (0:39)


Written, produced and mixed by Yournalist at MTR-studio, Turku, Finland
Recorded by Juuso Nordlund, Aino Mättö, Milla Siivonen, Janiv Takala,  Niilo Paukkunen, Veli-Pekka Pehkonen, Samuli Peltonen, Samuli Welin at JJ-Studio, Tampere, Finland
Additional recording by Yournalist at various locations
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering, Kuhmoinen, Finland

Oskari Ruohonen – Vocals/Guitars/Keyboards
Santeri Ruohonen – Bass/Vocals
Mikko M. Koskinen – Drums/Percussion
Lauri Helke – Trombone on Coffee Shop (I’m Lovin’ It) and Take Me To Your Dealer
Mattias Mattila – Violin on Pigs, Reprise and Take Me To Your Dealer
Antti Kolehmainen – Cello on Pigs, Gnome and inwards singing on Gnome
Mitja Kiviluoma – Guitar solo on Doggie Bag
Pike Kontkanen – Violin on Coffee Shop (I’m Lovin’ It)
Mirkku Mattinen – Cello on Coffee Shop (I’m Lovin’ It)

Cover photo by Niko Heino
Photos by Mikko M. Koskinen, Ville Saarikkomäki, Miina Ruokonen and Teemu Åkerlund Band photo by Ville Salminen
Design by Mikko M. Koskinen